Sunday, November 30, 2014

Want a happy married life? Do these simple things.

Everyone wants to be happy in their marriage life. Lovers always want to be married. They believe marriage can strengthen their affection.

But sometimes couples have inverse experience. The person for whom he or she could even die becomes completely different person. We are here to show you the main reasons of why marriages lose spark after the wedding day.

A major reason for the partner’s loss of intimacy is they no longer feel the same special attention that they previously enjoyed. This problem can be solved by showing your loved one the same romantic affection that you have given her or him when you first started off.

Express yourself as much differently as you can. Let your partner discover you as a new person now and then. Maintain the mystery.

We show you several tips in order to keep that loving fire burning and make your marriage last.

• Appreciating the simple things that your partner does and giving it ultimate importance.

• Grasp every opportunity to say “I love you” and mean it.

• Do something unexpected every now and then. Go out-of-town this weekend, dine Friday night in your favorite restaurant, or how about a movie marathon on Saturday.

• Everyday, make sure that you have an alone time, just the two of you. Sit down and talk. Spend at least 20 minutes of conversation before going to sleep.

• Learn to be grateful for every little thing and effort your spouse does. Bringing you the coffee, removing your shoes and packing your lunch.

• Understand that there will be disagreements. But also you have to learn to respect your spouse’s decision and share yours.

• As much as you can, hold hands, even when sleeping, even when walking down the road. Kiss and hug each other everyday. It matters.

The pure fact is that you give deep understanding to your spouse is more than enough to make her feel special. Doing these simple things will help you certainly to maintain a healthier and happier married life.
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