Sunday, November 30, 2014

Four easy lifestyle for your better life!

Just Small changes of your Lifestyle will change your life history. So bring these small meaningful changes in your lifestyle and see what a different it brings in your life.

01. Drink Water: It's no go sky-high science but we all know that our body is made of 60 percent water and drinking water helps support body functions like digestion, body temperature guideline. It also helps boost our metabolism and flushes the toxin out of our body. Drinking water mostly when we are working in air-conditioned offices is really important. So, keep a water bottle on your work desk and keep sipping water regularly.

02. Add more to yourself: Stagnation leads to negativity, boredom and mental fatigue. If you want to bring in basic changes in your lifestyle, add more to yourself. keep in mind just as your body needs to exercise, so does your brain. So, stimulate your mind by reading, writing and having conversations with people. Similarly, pick up a hobby like playing a musical instrument, learning a new language, photography, knitting, baking, cooking and take interest in your environment. Be an inquisitive observer of your surroundings.

03. Learn to Say No: You need not be a people pleaser. Remember that it's fine to say no. Set your boundaries. If you don't set your boundaries, people around you will take advantage of you and decide it for yourself. Saying no on a firm note is not disrespect. It will help you to lead a productive, stress-free life. Those who value you will respect your choices.

04. Cut down the excesses: We are living in an age of excesses. But consumerism is not the answer to your inner happiness. Keep in mind the age old saying, 'cut your coat according to your cloth.' Live a debt free life and find your true happiness in nurturing your own self rather than accumulating clothes, accessories and gadgets. Money can because you pressure and it's important to live within your means.

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